The ONLY REASON You're Not Healing

More often than not, the process of getting healthy feels more like banging your head against a wall. You’re spending money, you’re investing time, you’re putting a lot of energy into your healing process. You’re trying. Hard.

And yet… if you’re being totally honest with yourself… it’s just not really going anywhere.

Maybe a little improvement here and there, maybe certain things have gotten better. But it’s not really producing the big changes you were hoping for.

In other words… it hasn’t delivered on its promises.

If you’ve ever felt that way you’re not alone. In fact, you’re in very good company.

After working with thousands of clients from all over the globe for nearly two decades, one thing has become readily apparent: the current “solutions” simply aren’t enough.

And don’t get me wrong. I’ve got nothing against them. I use them myself.

But they’re not enough to get the results you’ve been looking for. If that sounds familiar, I have something very important to tell you: It’s Not Your Fault.

It’s not for lack of effort, lack of trying, lack of time or money invested. It’s not because you have hidden emotional blockages, or self sabotage, or because you’re “not trying hard enough” or “don’t really want it”. You’re not healing simply because of a basic biological fact that nobody else is willing to tell you.

You know that wall you’ve been banging your head against? It’s real. it’s an invisible wall, but it is very, very real and it will inhibit ALL healing. Guaranteed.

There is one - and ONLY ONE - reason you are not healing. That same reason is one of the most basic scientific facts… and yet it has been entirely ignored by both western medicine and natural medicine alike.

Make no mistake: NOTHING can work until this one thing has been accomplished.

And that is establishing a degree of parasympathetic balance within your body.

Part of your nervous system is called your Autonomic Nervous System. That system has two branches. One is called the Sympathetic Nervous System (that’s your fight or flight response), and the other is your Parasympathetic Nervous System (that’s where you rest, digest, sleep, and… HEAL).

It doesn’t matter what you do, how hard you try, or how much money you spend… if your nervous system is stuck in Sympathetic Mode, you Will Not Heal.

To whatever degree you are in Sympathetic Mode (or Fight or Flight Mode) is the degree to which you will not heal. That sentence is so important it’s worth reading 10 more times right now.

When you are too much in Fight or Flight Mode:

• Your diet doesn’t work nearly as well as it should

• Your vitamin and herbal supplements don’t do what they are supposed to do

• Your chiropractic adjustments don’t hold properly

• Your acupuncture treatments are less effective

• Your sleep is impacted and not conducive to healingn

• Your hormones can’t balance

• Your cleanses don’t work as well

• Your exercise routines are less effective

• You can’t overcome your stress and traumas and let go

• You can’t feel good


Insert anything you like into this equation. Exercise, medical treatments, natural and alternative treatments, anything you do for you health… it will be significantly less effective to the degree you are stuck in Fight or Flight Mode.

And this is why you feel like you’re banging your head against a wall.

This is why you take the supplements, do the therapies, do everything right and everything you’re supposed to do… and it’s Just Not Working The Way They Told You It Would.

THAT is why you aren’t healing.

Your nervous system is stuck in a state where it will not allow the healing process to occur. It cannot receive the benefits of everything you are doing.

Again, not your fault. You’ve been trying everything, following directions, and doing everything right.

But nobody ever told you what to do about your rebellious nervous system that is fighting the entire process; fighting all your good efforts!

So what do you do?

You shift your nervous system out of being stuck in whatever degree of Fight or Flight Mode it is stuck in. And then… well then you’ve done something truly magical.

Because when that happens, and to whatever degree it happens, everything just starts to work for you.

Your diet works better, your exercise works better, your sleep is better, you have more energy, your mood is better, your hormones balance, your supplements work better, your cleanses work better.

Every Single Thing You Do Works The Way It Was Supposed To In The First Place.

And then…. you get better!

It’s all about creating “fertile ground”. Fertile ground for your body and mind to receive the benefits of all the good things you’ve been doing for you health.

And that happens through balancing your nervous system.

How do you balance your nervous system?

You Activate Your “Healing Switch”.

In the next article I will share all about what your healing switch is, how to “flip it” so you can literally Activate your Healing Mechanism on command, and then I’ll also share how to know once and for all that you are truly healing. Yes, there really are concrete ways to know for CERTAIN that you are truly making progress and moving in the right direction.

Steve Page