Activating Your Healing Switch

There is a literal switch up in your brain that determines if you’re going to heal or not. So if you’re not healing… that switch is working against you.

In this article I’m going to share exactly what that switch is, how to flip the switch on, and how to know you’ve done it right… so you can supercharge your healing process.

In the previous article (The ONLY REASON You’re Not Healing) I briefly mentioned your Autonomic Nervous System. It’s a part of your nervous system that runs almost every function in your body. To sum up, it runs everything you don’t have to consciously control… like your breathing, your heart rate, your digestion, your hormones, your… pretty much everything (healing included).

So if you want to heal, or significantly speed up your healing, it is MANDATORY that you are out of Sympathetic Mode (fight or flight) and switched into Parasympathetic Mode instead (your rest, digest, and HEAL aspect of your Autonomic Nervous System).

And until you get this right, those nagging problems that never go away… they will continue to not go away.

But on the other hand, to whatever degree you get this right, those issues will heal.

Think of it this way:

When you are in Fight or Flight Mode your body is only getting stress signals… which simultaneously Turns OFF your healing mechanisms. But when you get into Parasympathetic Mode (let’s call it “Healing Mode” from now on…) all the stress signals turn off, your hormones balance, your blood flows normally, your body works properly, and… your Healing Mechanisms turn back… ON!

So what controls the balance of your Autonomic Nervous System?

Your Healing Switch.

And how well you Flip Your Switch into Healing Mode will determine all your success (or failure if you don’t).

So what exactly is your Healing Switch?

High up in the middle of your brain is a little area called the Hypothalamus. It’s the link between your Nervous system and Endocrine Systems. It’s the Command Center of your brain. It’s your brain’s Central Intelligence Agency.

Your hypothalamus is constantly scanning your entire body, environment, and emotional status. With that information it makes light-speed calculations and tells every other cell in your body what to do and how to respond.

It does all of this through the nervous system… particularly the Autonomic Nervous System.

So to whatever degree your hypothalamus determines there is a threat of some sort… it flips the switch AGAINST YOU (into Sympathetic or Fight of Flight Mode… and nothing good happens).

But if you can address those perceived threats, jam those threat signals, or convince your hypothalamus that even though it THOUGHT there was a problem… things are actually OK…

Well… Now you’ve done something truly miraculous.

Now you’ve put yourself back into Healing Mode… and you will reap the benefits of that.

Just watch.

The more you flip Your Healing Switch in your favor, the more you go into Healing Mode.

That means everything you’ve been doing for your health will actually start working the way it is supposed to. Not only does that eliminate all frustration, disappointment, and worry about making progress and getting better… but your problems actually start going away too!

Imagine your diet started working as good as the testimonials in the books.

Imagine your supplements started working like the ads promised.

Imagine everything you do for you health “worked as advertised”.

That’s what happens when Your Healing Switch is ACTIVATED.

(And, by the way, that’s the entire difference between why people in the ads and testimonials get such good results… but you don’t. Their Healing Switch is already Activated. So their body is ALREADY in a position to receive all the benefits of whatever they are doing. But, as you know all too well, when your Healing Switch is OFF… nothing works. And now you know exactly why.)

How To Activate YOUR Healing Switch:

As mentioned above, it’s a matter of addressing and removing the threats.. both real and perceived.

But approaching it like that (at least for now) can send us down a bunch of rabbit holes.

So what I want to do is focus on the latter 2 methods… “jamming” the threat signals and convincing your hypothalamus that things are actually OK.

Lucky for you, I found a way to accomplish both of these at the same time. So you get a Two-fer.

The thing that solves both of these, and Activates your Healing Switch in the process, is having more of what I call “Magic Moments”.

Anyone who’s had one understands why they truly are '“magical”.

If you’ve ever had a GOOD massage, then you’ll know what I mean.

You know those wonderful feel-good massage sensations you get on your muscles when the massage therapist is working on them?

And then… how you feel AFTER the massage?

Just… a wet noodle.. not a care in the world… total and complete relaxation.

THAT is getting close to a Magic Moment.

Any time you feel those feel-good massage-like sensations rippling through your body and then get into that wonderful relaxed care-free state… you have had a Magic Moment.

Stop and think about that for a moment.

Wouldn’t it be great to feel that way all the time???

How much easier would it be to heal if you could live in that state??

Piece of cake, right???!!!!

In fact, you’d probably heal within a week or two.

But… how much time do you actually spend in that just-got-a-massage-dream-world state?

…probably not a whole lot…

And there’s your problem.

When you have a Magic Moment, and you get those great sensations in your body and then you go to full blown relaxation mode… You have Activated Your Healing Switch - BIG TIME.

That’s what you’re looking for. That’s your evidence to know that you have Activated your Healing Switch and Turned ON all your Healing Mechanisms.

And now you can heal at warp speed.

NOW… the trick is to be able to GET YOURSELF into that state any time you wish.

And that is very do-able.

The goal is to be able to Turn ON your Healing Switch - on command - and put yourself into that wonderful relaxed feel-good state. That is where you heal best and fastest.

And don’t think you have to go get a massage 5 times per day for the rest of your life. That would be nice… but who has the time and money for that?

We can do better.

There are specialized techniques you can do - on yourself - that only take a few minutes, and you can put yourself into that wonderful, blissful, healing state whenever you wish.

Exactly HOW to do that is unique to the individual (what works for one person won’t necessarily work for the other). So we have to figure out exactly what is going to work in your case.

There are a number of tools in the box… we just have to determine which ones are right for you.

That way you’re getting the most out of your time, energy, and money. And of course that means the fastest healing possible so you can get back to living your life, doing your thing, and doing what you were put here to do.

Steve Page