True Healing - What It REALLY Is...

Let’s talk about TRUE healing.

Some say it’s making symptoms go away.

Some say it’s reversing disease.

But True Healing is SO much more than that.

Sure, all those pesky symptoms and nasty disease will go away too… but we can do so much better than that.

There’s a lot of talk about “Root Cause”.

Sadly, the term as been overused, perverted, and beaten to death.

To the point that even most of the experts don’t seem to understand it anymore.

I think every doctor or health practitioner website I’ve ever come across says they are “addressing the Root Cause”.

Well we know that can’t be true because if they really were we’d see people reversing their health problems en masse. Only the statistics tell us the opposite is true. More people are sicker than ever.

Whatever they are calling “root cause”, and then attempting to improve upon… it’s not working.

By the way, here’s the main things I see the “experts” claiming will fix the root cause of your health problems:

Things like acupuncture, nutrition, supplements, chiropractic, or whatever other service or treatment they are selling this week.

Allow me to give you an example so you can see the silliness involved here.

Let’s take nutrition.

Most people (at least in the beginning) are likely to have some nutritional deficiencies.

So they see the doctor, get some dietary recommendations, get some supplements and off they go… under the impression they are resolving the root cause of their problem.

Do they improve? Hopefully! And usually with better nutrition they will see some degree of improvement… but not HEALING.

But let’s go a step deeper.

Why do they have those nutritional deficiencies in the first place?

Because they weren’t eating properly.

And who chose what they ate?

They did.

So is the root cause the nutritional deficiency… or the choices that led to it?

How is a supplement or chiropractic adjustment ever supposed to fix that???

If you ask me, True Healing is quite simple:

Heal the Person and the problems take care of themselves.

That’s right. More or less you can forget about the nutrition, the acupuncture, the chiropractic, the bodywork, the supplements…. just heal the PERSON.. and the problems that you are using all these things to address… they will just take care of themselves.

Now THAT is quite a different solution, and therefore requires quite a different approach.

So let’s talk about the True Root Cause because that is very intimately related to your True Healing.

In my humble opinion, the True Root Cause of all your misery, suffering, and health problems is the sum of everything that has weighed you down in life.

There’s something critically important that we’ve overlooked: You are a Human Being.


Everyone focuses on the “human” part… you know… you body and organs and lab work and stuff…

…but you are SO much more than that!

You are spiritual and social and you have thoughts and feelings and past experience and you have relationships and family dynamics and traumas and environmental issues and everything else that life involves.

All of that together is You. You are an entire Being.

And what exactly is that being? Well, it’s basically an electromagnetic field. An electromagnetic field that inhabits and animates your body. An electromagnetic field that permeates and gives life to every cell in your body.

But life isn’t perfect. Things don’t always go to plan.

And are imperfect and raised by imperfect people and sometimes bad things happen… we lose a loved one, there is abuse, there is trauma, there are betrayals, there are broken friendships, broken relationships, there are ongoing stress patterns about finances or work or what to do about your kid with a drug problem or health challenge.

There’s heartache and heartbreak.

And it’s the collective sum of those things that weigh you down.

They weigh down your BEING.

And you carry that stuff around with you.

And all of that stuff… as it weighs down your being… it depletes your electromagnetic field.

There’s less energy to go around.

As a result, not enough body parts are getting all the energy they need to work properly.

Remember the movie Apollo 13?

While in their spaceship trying to come home, there wasn’t enough power for the journey… so that had to shut things off, one by one.

Your body does the same thing when there’s just not enough “power”’ to go around.

The body’s primary function is to survive.. so all power goes to what is most important.. the heart, the brain, the lungs…

But what about your Immune system? Your digestive system? Your skin? Your circulation?

Well… they take the hit.

And the longer they’ve been running on low power, the less functional they are.

THAT (over enough time) is what creates your symptoms, diseases, and health problems.

It’s your electromagnetic field, your Being, that is weighed down by all the life that has happened, that is keeping you depleted in various ways and preventing you from operating at full function.

And it’s because of those things that happened (whether innocently or intentionally… and much of it truly is innocent) that you make the choices you do (for better or worse).

And when you add all that up… you have the True Root Cause of everything that has gone wrong.

Let’s put all of that together:

Heal the PERSON and the problems take care of themselves.

To heal the Person, you have to Heal all the things that have weighed down their Being and suppressed their electromagnetic field and guided their choices over the years.

And when you do that, you see True Healing.

You see True Freedom.

And isn’t that what we all really want? Freedom?

Someone who is truly free is someone who has healed.

Because when you Truly Heal… it’s not so much about the physical health problems. Yeah, we want those gone, and they will go away in this process..

But real, True Healing, is simply nothing more than “blowing off” all the stuff that suppressed you so that you can be the best version of yourself, who you were meant to be, so that you can do what you were put on Earth to do.

Isn’t that you really want deep down?

To be free. To be free to be you. To love being you. To be comfortable in your own skin.

And to be the best version of yourself, creatively expressing yourself through your various gifts and talents, to be all you can be, to better the world, and accomplish your life purpose.

If that is what you want, I will show you the way.

Steve Page