Navigating The Nightmare (part 2)

If you read the last article (Navigating the Nightmare part 1) then you’re ready for this one. If you haven’t, start there.

Now that you know the Nightmare, and you have a solid understanding of how to identify what kind of problem you have so that you can match it with the appropriate solution…

What I want to do next is show you how to put all of that together.

Because, the truth is, even though it seems like everyone is talking about completely different things… they all actually do work together. And once you understand that and see how it works, things start to become very easy.

I used to think that medical doctors were speaking one language and acupuncturists spoke another and then nutritionists had a language of their own… apply that to every specialty in health. It seemed like nothing made sense and nobody agreed on anything and nobody really knew what they were talking about. They were all speaking different languages.

I’ve seen that create more confusion in people over the years (and understandably so! I felt the exact same way!)

Then I finally realized that even though everyone seems to be speaking different languages and in complete disagreement… the reality is that they are all talking about the VERY SAME THING.

They’re all talking about the human body, the ways it falls apart, and what will put it back together.

It’s only the words they use to describe it and the perspectives they bring to it that differ.

They are all approaching health and the human organism through their own paradigm.

And that ties everything together because at the end of the day we are all taking about the same body, the same problems, and more or less, similar solutions to those problems.

But to understand it all, you have to learn enough about every discipline (you have to study Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbology from various parts of the world, Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, Chiropractic, Western Medicine, Biology, Physics, Chemistry).

I’ll spare you all of that.

Personally, that’s what I did… and it took decades before I finally got a firm grasp on it.

So allow me to spare you the countless hours and gory details and get right to what can actually help you with whatever you’ve got going on.

Because it really does all work together.

And here’s how it does:

Your body is one big beautifully orchestrated organism.

That body is broke down into body systems (like your digestive system and immune system).

Those systems are broken down into organs (like your stomach and liver)

and those organs are broken down into tissues.

and finally, those tissues are broken down into individual microscopic cells.

You are a collection of cells.

And the cells that work right are healthy and the cells that don’t cause your problems.

Here’s the takeaway: if we know how to make one single cell healthy, then we know how to make all your cells healthy… and if all your cells are healthy… then YOU are healthy.

So to make a cell healthy, there are a few ingredients:

1) Healthy Environment

2) Food

3) Energy

Cells are basically teeny tiny versions of you… you need enough food, energy, and a reasonably healthy environment in order to successfully go about your day.

A healthy environment means that there is enough oxygen (clean air), it’s not too polluted (toxins), it’s not too stressful, and there aren’t too many infectious organisms (like bacteria or viruses) straining the system.

Food simply means your cells are getting all the nutrients they need.

So, just like you… cells take in food, use that food to live, and then eliminate their waste products.

Here’s The Formula:

Good Things Go In —> Stuff Happens —> Bad Stuff Comes Out

If not enough good stuff (food and oxygen) comes in, we have a problem.

If the body can’t utilize that good stuff properly, we have a problem.

And if the bad stuff isn’t coming out, we have a problem (toxin overload).


Enter: Energy.

Energy is simply electrical energy… more specifically Voltage.

Your cells need a certain amount of voltage to live.

That is what powers your cells ability to take in all the good stuff, use it properly, and then excrete all the bad stuff.

So if there isn’t enough voltage… you’ve got a problem.

Now here’s where things can get a little tricky…

You need to get voltage to each and every cell in your body.

Only there are blocks to that voltage getting everywhere it needs to go.

I want you to think of driving on the freeway for a moment.

The freeway is a huge road, and then you can exit the freeway to the highway, and then down to smaller side streets, and finally into a neighborhood where you pull into the driveway of your house.

Each house is like a tiny cell in your body.

And there is a network of roads to get to it.

The “freeways” for voltage are the acupuncture meridians (or myofascial pathways).

And then it “exits” the freeways, and takes smaller and smaller roads until it finally arrives at the individual cell… and just like the power lines bring electricity to your home, the voltage brings life to your cells.

…unless something is blocking the flow of that voltage.

Then the cell doesn’t get the energy it needs, can’t take in the nutrients, can’t function properly, and can’t eliminate its toxins and poisons.

Now look at what we’ve just done.

We’ve arrived at a simple system for health and healing.

Step #1 - Make sure you have enough energy (voltage)

Step #2 - Make sure that energy can get everywhere it needs to

Step #3 - Make sure you have the nutrients each cell needs

Step #4 - Make sure the cell can get rid of it’s poisons

Step #5 - Make sure you have a healthy environment for you cells

That means you need a few things:

1) The Right Diet (and possibly nutritional supplements)

2) The Right Cleanses (to address your specific toxicities and problem areas)

3) The Right Environment (to foster and facilitate good health and healing)

4) The Right Techniques to ensure your Energy can get everywhere it needs to go

That will provide for AMAZING health!

But let’s take it a step further and talk about HEALING.

Healing will incorporate everything mentioned above… with just one more step.

Earlier, I mentioned that cells need enough energy (or voltage) in order to function properly, right?

(about 25mV to be exact)

Well… in order to heal (which is just cells dividing in order to make new healthy cells to replace the old and sick ones), you need to DOUBLE your voltage (to 50mV).

So in order to heal we need to add one more thing:

You need to Make Sure You’re Building Enough Energy To Double Your Voltage.

If you can do these 5 Things then you can heal.

1) Build Enough Energy To Heal

2) Make Sure That Energy Can Get Everywhere (Do NOT merely assume it is)

3) Eat Right

4) Cleanse Right

5) Create The Right Environment

At this point, it’s a matter of matching the options to your specific needs.

To build energy… do you use Tai Chi? Qi Gong? Breath Techniques? Which ones? Something else?

To make sure the energy can get everywhere… do you do Acupuncture? Yoga? Reiki? Massage? Something completely different? All of the above?

To eat right… is that Paleo? Keto? Vegan? Which one is it? Do you know how to tell?

To cleanse right… which cleanse? Liver? Kidney? Juicing? There’s a number of varieties of each. And there’s countless other cleanses out there… how do you know?

To create the right environment.. is it EMF? Pollution? Geopathic stress? Air quality? Water quality? Stress? Other things? How do you assess all that?

All of that and more is what we can figure out for you.

We will create a custom “profile” for your specific situation and needs and figure out exactly how all of this (and more) may apply to you.

After that, we create a Comprehensive Custom Healing Plan and then provide you with our Results-Based Healing System, along with guidance and support every step along the way.

Steve Page