The Holistic Health Hoax

There is an nasty hoax going on in the holistic health community that is delivering a devastating blow to your chances at getting the kind of positive outcome you’re looking for.

Time to blow the whistle.

I fell victim to this one myself… for far longer than I want to admit. Why? Because, like everyone else, I was just doing my best, working with the information at hand, and relying on so-called experts to truly know what they were talking about and guide me in the right direction.

When you’re desperate for answers, you’re searching for anything that looks plausible and might help you get out of the hole you’re in.

The hoax is particularly insidious because it plays to human nature and capitalizes on a glitch in the human brain… so it flies below our radar and we don’t even realize it’s happening. And before you even know it, you’ve swallowed the lie… hook, line, and sinker… for many people that lie has gotten so deep it has permanently ruined their chances of ever improving.

But not you.

In just a moment I’ll share exactly what the hoax is, how it works, and what you can to about it to get better and faster results.

The hoax is the idea that something which has no chances of curing you is the missing link, your missing piece of the puzzle, the thing you’ve been looking for that will finally do the trick and get you out of the hole.

In other words, it’s the idea that some cheap substitute can take the place of the real thing.

The greatest example of this on earth is pharmaceuticals.

Now don’t get me wrong, prescriptions drugs absolutely have their place. They can be lifesaving for many people. But that’s not what I’m talking about here. Pharmaceuticals are absolutely amazing when it comes to acute and critical health issues.

…But when it comes to chronic health problems that wont go away… it’s a very different story… and that IS what I’m talking about.

See, the whole idea behind pharmaceuticals was “better living by chemistry”.

“Got a health problem? Got a symptom? Got a nasty disease destroying your life? …. don’t bother figuring out why it’s a problem in the first place… don’t bother DOING anything to actually solve it… Here, just take this pill instead. Be good little boys and girls, don’t ask too many questions, do as you’re told, and swallow your pills.”

And of course, after nearly a century of that, we see the results: It hasn’t worked.

The drugs might save lives, but they’re not solving problems.

For example, if you take thyroid meds… maybe you feel better when you take them, and that’s great! But don’t be deceived… your problem is not solved. To prove that to yourself, all you have to do is stop taking your meds and right you’re right back to being miserable again (don’t do that without your doctor’s approval by the way).

The point is that your thyroid isn’t actually any healthier. It’s just chemically manipulated to trick your body into thinking your thyroid is better… meanwhile… whatever was actually wrong with it is getting worse behind the scenes each and ever day.

Like any problem… if you just ignore it.. it doesnt just go away… in fact, it tends to get bigger and harder to solve as time goes on. You can keep sweeping it under the rug, but eventually you’re gonna trip and fall down... and when you do… hopefully you don’t break your hip in the process.

You can apply the same concept to any ongoing health problem and any medication.

Now here’s where it really gets scary.

Because we are so conditioned to the medical model of “just take this rather than actually solve it”… the HOLISTIC side of health has applied the same model.

The idea is “well… you don’t have to actually CHANGE anything… all you need is this magic herb, this miracle gadget or gizmo, or this magical treatment.”

“Here! All you need is my new miracle machine!”

“Don’t worry about the fact that your life is a disaster, you weigh 6,000 pounds, you’re in an bad marriage, you were abused as a kid, been working a soul-sucking job you hate for the last 27 years, you haven’t gotten off the couch since you were 16, and you eat fast food 12 times each day… none of that really matters… all you REALLY need is this special herb from a mystical mountain top in Nepal and blessed by a Tibetan wizard wearing a Namasté t-shirt.”


That doesn’t cut it.

You cant cheat your body. You can’t beat your biology.

You can’t cheat your health.

There is a point where the rubber meets the road.

There is a point where our feet are held to the fire.

In other words:

Nobody else can eat for you.

Nobody else can drink for you.

Nobody else can sleep for you.

Nobody else can think for you.

Nobody else can exercise for you.

Nobody else can LIVE for you.

Therefore… the only thing that truly has the power to heal you is… You!

There are certain things you simply cannot outsource.

No herb, no gadget, no gizmo, no treatment… no matter how wonderful they may be… can ever take the place of these fundamental aspects that determine the majority of your health.

I know that can be a hard pill to swallow (certainly was for me!). But in terms of getting you the real result you both want and DESERVE… it’s my responsibility to share the truth.

The major realization that changed EVERYTHING in my healing journey for the better was this: II realized that herbs can’t fix me, vitamins can’t fix me, doctors can’t fix me, technology can’t fix me, all the education and information and learning can’t fix me, acupuncture can’t fix me, chiropractic can’t fix me, massage can’t fix me, no treatment, technology, or methodology can fix me. Only I can fix me.

I can’t shift the responsibility of solving my problems onto other things that can’t possibly solve them. All the chiropractic in the world can’t change or take the place of a good diet. All the acupuncture on earth won’t fix my marriage. All the vitamins I can swallow won’t take the place of exercise.

You get the idea.

But unfortunately, because we’ve been conditioned by the medical model to look to other things to solve our problems, this issue has become frighteningly pervasive.

Get this: I once worked with a guy who literally thought by taking digestive enzymes the cheeseburgers he was eating on a daily basis were somehow turning into salad in his stomach.

No… the enzymes just help you digest the garbage better.

And that’s the Hoax of Holistic Health: That you can do some “natural stuff” and somehow it will override all of the other issues which are truly at the core of the problem.

It’s the difference between what we WISH would work and what ACTUALLY works.

Believe me, I would like nothing more than to stuff my face with pizza and potato chips, lay in a hammock drinking MaiTais, and pretend that because i take a few herbs and have a fancy health machine I’m going to be just fine and cure my disease.

But we all know I’d be fooling myself.

Nevertheless, that is how i WANT health to work.

The problem? It’s not reality. It’s not how it ACTUALLY works.

The people who win, the ones who heal, they have overcome this issue.

And they do it by asking themselves a very important question:

“Am I doing things the way I WANT them to work (pure emotion), or am I approaching my health and healing the way it ACTUALLY works (a real strategy)?”

It all boils down to personal responsibility.

Do we take on the level of responsibility necessary for success….

…or do we continue to lie to ourselves by using cheap substitutes and doing peripheral things for our health that aren’t bad… but they don’t TRULY address the things that matter most?

All your outcomes are based on this decision.

So truly, you do choose your outcome.

And now you have another choice: You can view this as a burden and fight the truth and keep trying quick fixes and magic bullets that will just keep you spinning and never really get you what you want… OR… you can be empowered, knowing that you and only you, are the only one in charge of your choices, and with that power you can start doing the things that truly matter and take control of your heath once and for all.

For your sake, I hope you choose the latter.

Do what actually works.

Don’t try to outsource your health.

All those peripheral things can’t solve the real problems that need to be addressed in order to get real results.

Do the fundamental things that truly contribute to real health.

and THEN add in all those peripheral “healthy things” to further aid your process.

Steve Page