Navigating The Nightmare (part 1)

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Paleo, Keto, vegetarian, vegan, raw, raw vegan, macrobiotic, nutrient dense, low calorie, high carb, low carb, high fat, low fat, blood type diet… it’s enough to make your head spin.

And that’s just diet.

Then add in the thousands of different herbs, vitamins, doctors and gurus with their own opinions… and if that wasn’t enough… add in every healing modality out there:

Chiropractic, acupuncture, reiki, hypnosis, tapping, EMDR, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, essential oils, homeopathy, crystals, affirmations, visualizations, yoga…

…and I’m just beginning to warm up.

Everywhere you turn there is another option to improve your health and at least 12 different opinions on how to “properly” do each of those options.

Getting health with natural medicine can be a nightmare.

How do you know what to do?

How do you know who to believe?

How do you know it’s what YOU actually need?

With all the conflicting information it seems like even the experts can’t agree on what to do… so what the heck are YOU supposed to do?

If you’ve ever felt liek that, today is your lucky day!

I’m going to share a way to simply and effectively navigate through all the nonsense and conflicting information so you can get down to what works.

If you’re the kind of person who wants some clear answers so you can stop wasting time and money on the wrong things and finally get some real results so you can get back to living your life… you are in the right place.

I’m going to make sense of it all right here, right now.

Let’s back up a step and start at the beginning.

You have a health problem, you want it gone, and you’re looking for real answers.

And when you look out across the tumultous swirling sea that is natural and alternative medicine… you just see a whole bunch of options… options that have claimed the time, money, and energy of many a weary “traveler” just like you. And admist that swirling sea of options, there is no clear direction on when to use what, how it all works together, and which option(s) actually fit YOUR specific needs.

And of course… everyone is selling something… so you have to watch out for that too… because OF COURSE they have the answer! WHATEVER they do… it’s the “PERFECT” thing for you!!

All that nonsense ends today.

If we pull back and look at the big picture, we need a wya to simply and effectively evaluate what you’ve got going on so that you can match it with the appropriate solution.

For example, you wouldn’t take vitamins to solve a marriage problem.

You want to match the the problem with the correct solution. Make sense?

But because everyone IS selling something… all options can look and seem quite appealing… and that’s where so much confusion kicks in.

So here’s what I did when I was in your shoes… in the middle of my own health nightmare, and trying to figure everything out.

I realized I needed a way to “organize” everything. A way to classify the types of problems and the types of solutions so that I could match them accordingly.

To do that, I had to think long and hard about life. And I came to a surprisingly simple conclusion that has served me well for years.

Here it is: There are only 6 Areas of Life.

Life has a lot of moving parts. There’s a lot going on. But when you really break life down into categories… there are only 6… and that is something we can easily manage.

Here they are:

Spiritual, Relational, Psychological, Energetic, Chemical, and Physical.

Spiritual is anything related to religion, a higher power, the supernatural, and your biggest over-arching beliefs that determine what life is all about.

Relational is anything involving people… your spouse, kids, parents, relatives, neighbors, co-workers, and in-laws (augh!).

Psychological is anything that has to do with your thoughts and feelings. INCLUDING your day to day stresses, chronic stress, past stress and traumas. It’s ALL still in there (somewhere).

Energetic is anything related to the electrical aspects of your body (biophysics). That is light, electromagnetics, vooltage, nerve impulses, and the many names for Life Energy (Qi - pronounced “chee” - in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ki in Japanese, Prana in Yoga and Ayurveda, etc etc). Ever culture has their own word for it. It’s the spark of life. The difference between something alive and dead. Ever had a body part that just felt kind of “dead” or lifeless and then you selt some “life” down there again? That’s Energetics at work.

Chemical is anything related to your chemistry. So that would be your lab work, your hormones, your neurotransmitters, and most importantly, your nutrition and toxins.

Physical relates to anything in your body that you can touch. Your organs, your glands, muscles, bones, and skin. It also relates to things like infectious organisms, exercise, and sleep.

I’ve yet to find ad single aspect of life that doesn’t fit into one of these categories.

And that’s the main filter by which we can assess our health problems and match them with the appropriate solution.

Is your problem spiritual, relational, psychological, energetic, chemical, or physical?

(PRO TIP: It’s probably a combination. But there are usually 1-2 areas that are the standouts)

Now let’s look at the various things you can do for your health:

I’m going to skip spiritual because that can take us on too many tangents. But it will tie into your religious beliefs and you probably already know what to do in that regard.

So let’s go right to Relational… that would be better communication, anything to improve your marriage or parenting, how you treat other people and how they treat you, counseling, all of that kind of stuff.

Psychological would be anything to help improve your mind, emotions, or stresses and traumas that got stuck in your body or mind. This could be counseling, psychology, tapping, EMDR, affirmations, hypnosis, or any other technique out there geared towards this sort of outcome.

Energetic would involve any kind of energy work or therapy that manipulates energy fields or meridians. Things like acupuncture, reiki, tai chi, qi gong, homeopathy, some essential oils, and any technique, treatment, or gadget that involves electricity in some way.

Chemical is anything that involves cleansing, detoxing, or dietary changes in order to provide better nutrition to address deficiencies or to cleanse out toxins that may be putting a strain on your body and causing things like inflammation, gut dysbiosis, or hormone imbalances.

And finally, we have Physical. This is anything involving various types of exercise, changing sleep patterns, massage and bodywork, chiropractic… you get the idea.

So all you have to do is take your problem, identify the source(s) - in these 6 Areas - and then match it with the appropriate solution from that same area.

So you match a Chemical problem with a Chemical solution, or a Physical problem with a Physical solution.

You don’t match a Physical problem with an Energetic solution. Make sense?

So let’s say you determine the source of your problem is Chemical. So you decide to some good cleansing and you’re going to change you diet. Awesome.

Now… WHICH diet andn WHICH cleanse?

There’s a seemingly infinite number of both diets and cleanses… and more of them are coming out every single day.

So what do you do now?

Well, that’s where it gets a little more complex and more information is needed.

Because, the truth is… everyone is different.

There is no one-size-fits-all.

Your healing is as unique as you are.

One person will thrive as a vegan and another will get sick like that.

One person will do great on Paleo and another will die.

One person will get life changing results from a liver flush and another person will go straight to the emergency room.

Everyone is different.

And that makes sense, right?

Who else on earth has your exact DNA, ancestry, your upbringing, your job, your stress, your lifestyle, your gender, your age, your personal history, your life experience, and your specific health challenges?


And because of that, the very best thing we can do is put all of that together… we sort of “profile” you in that way.

And then, based off that profile, we will know the best diet, best cleanses, best exercise, and best course of action to get you where you want to go.


Steve Page